Customer Spotlight - Midland Tool & Supply

Customer Spotlight – Midland Tool & Supply

  • Posted by: Scott Berlin

STOCKUP is an onsite supply solution offered by Midland Tool & Supply and is powered by the MarginPoint Inventory platform.  The Program is designed to be an extension of Midlands warehouse to stock customized inventory at customers locations.

The Features:

  • Customizable Inventory:  Work with the StockUp™ team to select products and inventory levels, based on the scope of work
  • Various Storage Option:  Based off inventory and location, we utilize trailers, connexes, and tool rooms to efficiently store inventory on your site.
  •  Automated Inventory Control: Cloud Based software automatically tracks and replenishes inventory based on usage
  • Unlimited Access:  24/7 access to our StockUp™ program is available for selected team members.
  • Nationwide Shipping: Whether you are down the street or across the country, we can deliver to your jobsite

How can onsite supply help enhance productivity on projects? The StockUp™ program is designed to address specific pain points around your project and make the job easier and more efficient.

The Benefits:

  • Reduce Cost and Downtime:  StockUp™ puts the products you consistently order directly on the jobsite, reducing your downtime and delivery costs.
  • Invoice Efficiently:  StockUp™ can generate invoices daily, or weekly reducing P.O. processing time.
  • Report and Forecast: StockUp™ software can generate reports to inform management about product by shift, trade or peak manpower. This information can be used to forecast needs for future jobs or outages

For more information on the Midlands STOCKUP program, contact Collin Mclaughlin  248.548.5800 office or visit

About MarginPoint
MarginPoint is a leading provider of cloud-based Multi-Site Facilities and Inventory Management solutions to Multi and Single-Family Property Managers, Government, Universities, Commercial Real Estate, and Construction firms. Many of the nation’s leading Property Managers currently rely on MarginPoint solutions every day to manage their inventory replenishment, optimize business processes, and drive revenue. The company’s cloud-based delivery model enables you to rapidly deploy the solution and connect to all your distributors and suppliers without significant upfront investment. Learn more at

Author: Scott Berlin